Ознаки довготривалої адаптації та їх зв’язок з показниками відтворювальних якостей у свиноматок універсального напрямку продуктивності

dc.contributor.authorХалак, В. І.
dc.contributor.authorГутий, Б. В.
dc.contributor.authorУсенко, Світлана Олексіївна
dc.contributor.authorШостя, Анатолій Михайлович
dc.descriptionThe paper presents the results of the study of signs of long-term adaptation and indicators of reproductive qualities of sows of the universal direction of productivity, as well as calculates the economic efficiency of research results. The experimental part of the work was performed in the agricultural formations of the Dnipropetrovsk region and the laboratory of animal husbandry of the State Institution “Institute of Grain Crops of NAAS of Ukraine”. The work was performed in accordance with the research program № 31 “Genetic improvement of farm animals, their reproduction and conservation of biodiversity (Genetics, conservation, and reproduction of bioresources in animal husbandry)”, task – pigs of different genotypes and to develop an integrated system for creating a highly productive population” (№ DR 0121U107903). Evaluation of sows on the indicators of long-term adaptation and reproductive qualities was carried out taking into account the following characteristics: life expectancy, months; duration of breeding use, months; farrowing was obtained; received piglets total, ch.; obtained live piglets, ch.; multiplicity, ch.; nest weight at the time of weaning at the age of 28 days, kg; safety of piglets before weaning, %. The index “level of adaptation” was calculated according to the method of Smirnov (2003), the index of reproductive qualities – according to the method of M. D. Berezovsky. Economic efficiency of research results and biometric processing of the obtained data were carried out according to generally accepted methods. It is established that sows of large white breeds of the controlled herd are characterized by rather high indicators of reproductive qualities and level of adaptation to conditions of intensive technology of operation. . uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn2519–2698 print
dc.identifier.issn2707‐5834 online 
dc.subjectsow, life expectancy, duration of breeding use, reproductive qualities, index, level of adaptation, economic efficiency, variability, correlation.uk_UA
dc.subjectсвиноматка, тривалість життя, тривалість племінного використання, відтворювальні якості, індекс, рівень адаптації, економічна ефективність, мінливість, кореляція.uk_UA
dc.titleОзнаки довготривалої адаптації та їх зв’язок з показниками відтворювальних якостей у свиноматок універсального напрямку продуктивностіuk_UA
local.department6.6 Кафедра технологій дрібного тваринництваuk_UA
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