Plant energy resources: agroecological, economic and energy aspects

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Kulyk, M. I.
Kurylo, V.
Kalinichenko, O. V.
Galytska, M. A.
Кулик, Максим Іванович
Галицька, Марина Анатоліївна
Калініченко, Олександр Володимирович
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The monograph offers the basic theoretical and practical aspects of the use of plant materials of agricultural and energy crops for the biofuels production. The potential of energy resource for bioenergy has been determined, the issues of botanical and biological features, agroecological sound technology for growing energy crops on marginal lands have been revealed. The publication also focuses on the creation of new agrophytocenoses based on varietal crops and “nooterа”, which allows improving the functioning of self regulation mechanisms in the cereal-bean crop system. Information has been provided on the efficiency of energy crops cultivation for biofuel production: economic and energy assessments have been carried out. Determining the efficiency of energy crops cultivation as an additional source of energy resources is valuable for the use by population of territorial communities and reduction of their energy dependence. The monograph is a part of the research topic of the Poltava State Agrarian Academy “Development of optimal energy systems taking into account the existing potential of renewable energy sources in the conditions of the Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine” (state registration number 0117U000397 dated February 10, 2017). The monograph is developed for scientists, applicants for higher education, teachers, specialists in the field of energy efficiency and energy saving of various forms and directions of economic activity. The publication will also be useful in the implementation of diploma and dissertations works by applicants for higher education.
plant materials, energy crops, biomass, biofuels production
Kulyk M. I., Kurylo V. L., Kalіnichenko О. V., Galytska M. А. Plant energy resources: agroecological, economic and energy aspects : monograf. Poltava : Astraya, 2019. 119 p.