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Лелюк, Юлія Миколаївна
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Економічний часопис-ХХІ №1-2(1)'2014 м.Київ
The article deals with the necessity of revising the purposes of counter-cyclical government regulation for the Ukrainian economy. It is proved that Ukraine’s economy tends to non-market ones, thus, to the redistributive economy of the X-type.The economic system of this type is characterized by the unstable macroeconomic equilibrium state, and the pursuit of economic entities to maximize profits leads to the increase in the total loss for the society.This means that the counter-cyclical regulation of the Ukrainian economy, which is aimed at achieving the return of a new macroeconomic equilibrium, drives the economic system into «the trap of crisis cyclicality».The cyclical behaviour acquires the character of «rocking vibrations», and the business cycle actually turns into a two-phase phenomenon of the «crisis-depression» type, which is not able to provide an updated translational motion with respect to the general trend of development.The «kick-out» of the economy from the trap is possible with the help of such counter-cyclical policy, which considers as the main objective not the achieving a new equilibrium point (in the framework of the existing state), but the transition of the economic system into a qualitatively new state. In this regard, the theoretical basis for counter-cyclical policy should not consist in the growth theory, but in the theory of evolution. Changes in the targeting of counter-cyclical policy mean its «greening», the pre-emptive usage of centralized methods (comparing with market methods), and the measured and cautious approach to the usage of conventional tools of countercyclical regulation inherent in the Y-economies.The continuous control of the economic system state and its degree of approximation to the X- or Y-type in order to determine the «shift point» gains the particular importance.
The article deals with the necessity of revising the purposes of counter-cyclical government regulation for the Ukrainian economy. It is proved that Ukraine’s economy tends to non-market ones, thus, to the redistributive economy of the X-type.The economic system of this type is characterized by the unstable macroeconomic equilibrium state, and the pursuit of economic entities to maximize profits leads to the increase in the total loss for the society.This means that the counter-cyclical regulation of the Ukrainian economy, which is aimed at achieving the return of a new macroeconomic equilibrium, drives the economic system into «the trap of crisis cyclicality».The cyclical behaviour acquires the character of «rocking vibrations», and the business cycle actually turns into a two-phase phenomenon of the «crisis-depression» type, which is not able to provide an updated translational motion with respect to the general trend of development.The «kick-out» of the economy from the trap is possible with the help of such counter-cyclical policy, which considers as the main objective not the achieving a new equilibrium point (in the framework of the existing state), but the transition of the economic system into a qualitatively new state. In this regard, the theoretical basis for counter-cyclical policy should not consist in the growth theory, but in the theory of evolution. Changes in the targeting of counter-cyclical policy mean its «greening», the pre-emptive usage of centralized methods (comparing with market methods), and the measured and cautious approach to the usage of conventional tools of countercyclical regulation inherent in the Y-economies.The continuous control of the economic system state and its degree of approximation to the X- or Y-type in order to determine the «shift point» gains the particular importance. Keywords: counter-cyclical policy; industries with increasing and decreasing return; the equilibrium state of the economy; the X- and Y-economies; «trap of crisis cyclicality». JEL Classіfіcatіon: B49, E39, E60, H19, P59
counter-cyclical policy; industries with increasing and decreasing return; the equilibrium state of the economy; the X- and Y-economies; «trap of crisis cyclicality»., JEL Classіfіcatіon: B49, E39, E60, H19, P59
У статті охарактеризовано відмінності при встановленні рівноваги в ринкових та редистрибутивних економіках. Обґрунтовано, що економіка України тяжіє до типу редистрибутивної Х-економіки, якій притаманна нестійка макроекономічна рівновага і збільшення сукупних втрат суспільства при прагненні суб’єктів господарювання до максимізації прибутку. Визначено основні напрями вдосконалення теоретико-методологічних засад сучасної національної антициклічної політики, що відповідають особливостям функціонування Х-економіки. Підкреслено, що зусилля держави, спрямовані виключно на відновлення порушеної макроекономічної рівноваги, несуть у собі загрозу «пастки кризової циклічності». Показано необхідність переходу економічної системи до якісно нового стану за допомогою релевантних форм та методів антициклічного регулювання.