Publication: Impact of military actions on the epizootic situation with the spread of rabies in animals in Kherson Oblast
Мельничук, Віталій Васильович
Melnychuk, V. V.
Євстаф’єва, Валентина Олександрівна
Yevstafieva, V. O.
Слинько, Віктор Григорович
Slynko, V. H.
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Rabies is a zoonotic disease caused by a neurotropic RNA virus of the Lyssavirus genus, recorded in various species of wild and domestic animals in many countries of the world, including Ukraine, where this disease has been continuosly diagnosed in animals and sporadically in people. Therefore, there is a need to study the epizootic specifics of rabies in different species of animals as potential sources of threat to people in individual administrative-territorial units of Ukraine. This becomes especially relevant against the background of martial law and the catastrophic flooding which took place in Kherson Oblast. Determining the peculiarities and manifestations of epizootic process of rabies in animals was conducted in the conditions of de-occupied territories of Kherson Oblast in 2023. During that year, 27 studies of samples of pathological/biological materials from animals suspected of rabies were conducted. Those included 24 samples from domestic animals – cattle (Bos taurus), dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), cats (Felis silvestris catus), and 3 from wild animals – fox (Vulpes vulpes) and jackals (Canis aureus). According to the results, rabies was confirmed in
88.9% of the total number of analyzed samples. Most often, rabies was diagnosed in domestic animals, particularly, dogs and cats –45.8% and 29.2%, respectively. In the representatives of wild fauna, rabies was detected in 12.5% of the cases, in particular, 8.3% in foxes and 4.2% in jackals. The analysis of the seasonality of rabies morbidity in animals found no pattern in the dynamics. However, according to species, the peak of rabies in foxes took place in autumn, particularly, September and October. An important fact is that the bulk of rabies cases, acccounting for 91.7%, occurred in the period after the Kahovka Dam had been blown up by the Russian Federation. Territorially, during the surveillance period, rabies in animals was confirmed in 23 settlements of Kherson Oblast: 22 cases within the Oblast’s districts and one case in the city of Kherson proper
epidemiology of rabies, rabid animals, domestic animals, wild animals, seasonal dynamics of rabies
Melnychuk V., Yevstafieva V., Bilan M., Zazharskyi V., Zazharska N., Davydenko P., Shapran I., Slynko V. Impact of military actions on the epizootic situation with the spread of rabies in animals in Kherson Oblast . Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems, 2024. № 15 (4). РP. 939–944. DOI: