Publication: The effect of mineral fertilization and seed treatment with potassium humate on winter wheat grain yield and protein content in grain
Yeremko, L. S.
Hanhur, V. V.
Len, O. I.
Єремко, Людмила Сергіївна
Гангур, Володимир Васильович
Лень, Олександр Іванович
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Among the main grain crops in Ukraine, winter wheat plays a strategic role in ensuring food security, which means providing the country with high-quality food, feed and raw materials for industry. One of the most important factors in increasing grain productivity of winter wheat and improving the quality of the crop is the supply of mineral nutrients to the plants. For the formation of 1 Mg ha-1 of grain yield and the relevant amount of straw, winter wheat plants require 15-26 kg N, 2-7 kg P2O5, 11-22 kg K2O [1].
Winter wheat, grain, yield, protein content, mineral fertilization, seed treatment, potassium humate
Yeremko L., Hanhur V., Leń O. The effect of mineral fertilization and seed treatment with potassium humate on winter wheat grain yield and protein content in grain. Dylematy rolnictwa w XXI w. – szanse i zagrożenia : VIII Konferencja naukowa z cyklu „Nauka i Praktyka – Rolnictwo różne spojrzenia” (Chełm, 3-5 czerwca 2024 r.). Chełm, 2024. P. 173–174. doi: