Prospects for the Production of Niche Grain Crops in the Context of the Need to Ensure Food Security

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Lozynska, T. M.
Diachkov, D. V.
Лозинська, Тамара Миколаївна
Дячков, Дмитро Володимирович
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Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Research Projects
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One of the tools of strategic development of the agricultural sector, which plays a key role in ensuring food security, is diversification, which can be niche production, particularly the cultivation of niche grain crops. The concept of "niche crops" is briefly revealed in the context of the aggravation of the world's food security problem. Their economic importance and potential are detailed and disclosed using the example of oats and millet due to their inherent advantages in the economic, ecological, agrotechnical, and social plane, multifunctionality, and the possibility of producing various products with high benefits. Using the example of the main commodity producers, the dynamics of the production of niche grain crops in Ukraine in 2020-2022 were studied. Using the index method and the method of regional rating assessments, the competitiveness of oats and millet in agricultural enterprises was determined separately for each type and region of Ukraine.
niche crops, niche grain crops, oats, millet, production, diversification, agribusiness, added value, risks, food security
Prospects for the Production of Niche Grain Crops in the Context of the Need to Ensure Food Security / Міrzoieva T., Stepasyuk L., Diachkov D. et al. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 2024. Vol. 26. Pp. 568-586.