Sociopsychological Aspect of Environmental Education at Universities of Ukraine Soil

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Skladanovska, M.
Plaksiienko, I. L.
Filonenko, S. V.
Riabik, P.
Hrydnieva, T.
Плаксієнко, Ірина Леонідівна
Філоненко, Сергій Васильович
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In the context of the global environmental crisis the development of new pedagogical models and teaching methods at the universities of Ukraine is aimed at the formation of socio-psychological competencies of future specialists as subjects of the implementation of the concept of sustainable development. The article presents the results of eco-psychological research of the level of formation of ecological thinking among engineering students. More than 300 students from three universities of Dnipro and Poltava have been interviewed. Based on the results of the study the authors propose an improved curriculum for the general educational discipline Human Ecology which includes interactive individual and collective tasks, lectures as discussions of various aspects of human interaction with nature in the "external environment-individual-internal environment" triad. It is also planned to introduce a special educational discipline Environmental Psychology to the educational program of bachelor’s training of engineering specialties. The content of the discipline is aimed at the formation of environmental awareness and environmental culture of students, taking into account the cultural identity of Ukraine. A program of practical classes in collaboration with the psychological service of the university has been developed. The program includes art methods as tools for educational, diagnostic and developmental work, including an educational project for Earth Day
university education, environmental attitudes, ecological consciousness, human ecology, environmental psychology
Skladanovska М., Plaksiienko І., Filonenko S. Riabik P, Hrydnieva T. Sociopsychological Aspect of Environmental Education at Universities of Ukraine Soil. Proceedings of 23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023. Albena, Bulgaria. 2023, Vol. 5.1, pp. 537- 544. DOI: