Viscoelastic Resistance of the Surface Layer of Steel Products to Shock Attack of a Spherical Pellet
Горик, Олексій Володимирович
Ковальчук, Станіслав Богданович
Брикун, Олександр Миколайович
Черняк, Роман Євгенович
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The results of experimental studies of a separate contact dynamic interaction of a
spherical non-deformable pellet with a plastic flat metal surface at different angles of attack
( 20° ≤ α ≤ 90° ) at high speeds ( v ≈100 m/s ) are presented. A method is described for determining
the nature of the viscoelastic resistance of a surface layer attacked by a pellet during contact
displacement along the normal to the surface and rigid plastic resistance during tangential
displacement, which can be used to establish the processing regimes of products by a mass flow of
abrasive particles, in particular, shot-blasting cleaning. The results of comparing the obtained and
known theoretical data with each other and with experimental studies are presented.
attacking pellet, surface layer deformation, viscoelastic resistance, trace parameters, speed and angle of attack, dynamic hardness, атакуюча дробинка, деформування поверхневого шару, в'язкопластичний опір, параметри сліду, швидкість, кут атаки, атакующая дробинка, деформирование поверхностного слоя, вязкопластическое сопротивление, параметры следа, скорость, угол атаки