Мигтіння яскравості світла світлодіодних ламп та світильників для загального освітлення
Сахно, Тамара Вікторівна
Неєжмаков, П.І.
Пітяков, О.С.
Шпак, С.В.
Багіров, С.А.
Кожушко, Г.М.
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The results of the studies of the impact of luminance flicker of light sources powered by an alternating current network
on the well-being and health of people, the peculiarities of the flicker of LED lighting installations and recommendations on
the safe level of luminance flicker of lamps and lighting fittings for general lighting are analysed. The paper also considers
modern methods of evaluating flicker parameters, which are recommended by international standards.
The luminance flicker of commercial samples of LED lamps and lamps that are being introduced to the lighting market
from various manufacturers of LED products was studied.
Measurements of the depth of luminance modulation and flicker index in the frequency range up to 3 kHz in accordance
with the recommendations of the IEEE 1789:2015 standard were carried out. Measurements of the short-term modulation
dose in accordance with the IES/TR 61547-1:2017 international standard were carried out. Measurements of the visibility
indicator of the stroboscopic effect in accordance with the recommendations of the IES/TR 63518:2018 standard were
carried out. The MK350S spectroradiometer with software for calculating photometric and colorimetric parameters, as well
as the flicker and stroboscopic effect parameters, was used. It was found out that LED products for general lighting that
are being introduced to the Ukrainian lighting market mainly have a safe level of luminance flicker. The level of luminance
flicker of modern LED lamps and lighting fittings is lower than that of any other light sources powered by an alternating
current network, including discharge lamps with high-frequency electronic ballasts. It was concluded that the requirements
for the limit levels of flicker for various frequency ranges and methods of measuring flicker parameters should be included
in the regulatory documents on LED products for general lighting.
мигтіння; глибина модуляції яскравості; індекс мигтіння; короткострокова доза модуляції; стробоскопічний ефект; світлодіодні світильники (лампи)., flicker; depth of luminance modulation; flicker index; short-term modulation dose; stroboscopic effect; LED lamps.