The decreasing role of native genetic resources in modern Ukrainian pig production

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Kravchenko, O. I.
Getya, A. A.
Kodak, O.
Кравченко, Оксана Іванівна
Гетя, Андрій Анатолійович
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Wageningen Academic Publishers
Conservation o f animal genetic recourses is a global issue and the reported rate of breed extinctions is of great concerns. In the livestock sector o f Ukraine genetic erosion concerns mostly local, native breeds which are replaced by a narrow range of high-yielding exotic breeds considered to have a competitive advantage in more intensive production systems. There is a big threat that Ukraine loses its national genetic recourses being replaced by breeds not well adapted to local climatic, environmental and technological conditions. Currently there are 6 native pig breeds in Ukraine: Mirgorodska (M), the Ukrainian white steppe (UWS), the Ukrainian spotted steppe (USS), Poltava meat (PM), Ukrainian meat (UM) and the Red white belt (RWBB). An analysis o f occurrence and geographical distribution o f Ukrainian pig breeds revealed for the years 2006-2012 a massive reduction in the number of breeding farms keeping those native breeds, namely: M: by 62.5%; UWS: by 72.7%; PM: by 68.4%; UM: at 43.5%; RWBB: by 41.2%. Most critical is the number of sows: Mirgorodska: 383 heads; Ukrainian white steppe: 334 heads; Poltava meat: 469 heads; and Ukrainian spotted steppe: 26 heads. Therefore the most urgent problem o f Ukraine, is the development and implementation of strategies to maintain its autochthonous animal breeds, but a conservation program cannot be established without reliable characterization and monitoring o f breeds. Breed certification, establishing definitions for what to be considered as pure bred, detection and timely elimination o f crossbred animals, are currently considered to be the most urgent tasks.
pig, breed, native genetic recourses, pig production
Kravchenko O., Getya A., Kodak O. The decreasing role of native genetic resources in modern Ukrainian pig production//Book of Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. - No.19 (2013) - P.189.