Modern approaches to assess the competitiveness of production.
Писаренко, Світлана Валеріївна
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мonograph. Theory and practice of social, economic and tehnological changes. Nemoros s.r.o. Pragua, 2018.
The modern market is a place of competition for the sale of goods, for
consumers; this is a competition for goods and services. Manufacturers and sellers
who are familiar with the market know that it is necessary to constantly analyze the
properties of products, the degree of consumer preferences, the level of prices in the
market, terms of supply and payments, service, etc. [1]. Consumers regard product
quality as a natural companion. As a result of product quality improvements, the
service life of products increases, cost and labor costs are reduced, the needs of
the population are more fully met, and the competitiveness of domestic goods
increases. The problem of competitiveness of domestic products today is one of the
most important problems not only for the foreign, but also for the domestic trade
of the state. With saturation of the Ukrainian market, goods were able to compare
imported products with domestic goods. And the choice of Ukrainians is not always
in favor of the latter.
modern market, consumers,problem of competitiveness, domestic trade