Peculiarities of the EMI model as an educational approach in the UK and Ukraine
Mykhailenko, H. H.
Antonets, M. O.
Михайленко, Галина Григорівна
Антонець, Марина Олексіївна
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Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses and training are essential for teachers who wish to improve their knowledge, skills and abilities throughout their careers. Modern approaches to teaching subjects in a foreign language, particularly English, face a number of problems. This study aims to compare and develop the approaches used by teachers of English Medium Instruction (EMI) in the UK and Ukraine. In these European countries, EMI is seen as a key element in the internationalisation of higher education. However, teaching academic subjects in English is difficult, especially for non-native speakers. The results of the study provide for the use of the Active Learning method in the implementation of the EMI model in Great Britain and Ukraine.
English Medium Instruction, EMI, pedagogical challenges, English language, active learning, educational technologies, cultural context
Mykhailenko H., Antonets M. Peculiarities of the EMI model as an educational approach in the UK and Ukraine. Витоки педагогічної майстерності. 2024. Вип. 34. С. 155–159. DOI: https://DOI.ORG/10.33989/2075-146X.2024.34.318087