Ukraine’s Global Status As An Indicator Of Its Current Problems And Opportunities

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Deineka, T. A.
Shkurupii, O. V.
Pedchenko, N.
Tul, S.
Verhal, K.
Дейнека, Тетяна Анатоліївна
Шкурупій, Ольга Всеволодівна
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Volume Title
"Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice"
It was ascertained that the global status of a country is determined by a set of its characteristics as an entity of international relations identifying the place it occupies among other countries over a certain historical period of time. The global status is defined as the relative position of countries in the system of international relations. The main factors that determine the global status of countries are economic development; achievements in science, technology and innovation; development of social spheres (health care, education, social protection); the outcome of distributing and exercising power within the state (domestic policy) as well as between states (foreign policy); the effectiveness of institutions; and governance efficiency in the field of environmental management. It is proved that the global status of countries depends primarily on how effectively each of its spheres functions in terms of the interests of society’s development.
Deyneka T., Shkurupii O., Pedchenko N., Tul S., Verhal K. Ukraine’s Global Status As An Indicator Of Its Current Problems And Opportunities. Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice. 2021. Vol. 3 No. 38. Р. 427-436. URL:
world economy, global status of countries, problems and contradictions of social development, socio-natural system, globalisation