Influence of disinfectant on sowing properties of winter grain crops in laboratory conditions
Shakalii, S. M.
Bahan, A. V.
Yurchenko, S. O.
Senchuk, T.
Kryvoruchko, L. M.
Шакалій, Світлана Миколаївна
Баган, Алла Василівна
Юрченко, Світлана Олександрівна
Криворучко, Людмила Михайлівна
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In recent years, in the conditions of the central part of the territory of Ukraine, it is important to conduct phytoexamination of grain in order to determine the suitability of batches to be called seeds from a phytopathological point of view. Among the main problems of the sowing campaign is the control of pathogens of the genus Fusarium. Maximum attention should be paid to protection against fusarium root rot in order to obtain friendly seedlings and ensure proper overwintering of plants. Fludioxonil is the most effective active ingredient that can provide adequate seed protection in the autumn. We determined the sowing quality indicators of winter wheat and barley seeds depending on their pre-sowing treatment with Celeste disinfectant in comparison with the control. During the analysis of the results of studies on the effectiveness of the pesticide, the following results were obtained: infection of winter wheat seeds (control) with fusarium wilt was 58.5%, poisoned grain - 0%; winter barley (control) - 16%, treated - 0%. Celeste Max in the laboratory proved its effectiveness against pathogens of fusarium wilt. The disinfectant also had a positive effect on germination energy and germination, the number of abnormal seedlings decreased.
infectious background, winter wheat, winter barley, germination energy, seed germination.