System of protection of winter wheat sowing from segetal and ruderal vegetation
Laslo, O. O.
Onipko, V. V.
Hordieieva, O. F.
Ласло, Оксана Олександрівна
Оніпко, Валентина Володимирівна
Гордєєва, Олена Федорівна
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The paper examines the question of comparing the effectiveness of the use of autumn and spring application of herbicides in the cultivation of winter wheat. The work confirms the research of scientists on the issue of applying herbicides in the autumn period, which affects their effectiveness, since the dependence on temperature and conditions decreases, and the moisture reserve in the soil affects the effectiveness of pesticides. During the research, it was established that in the autumn after sowing winter wheat, favorable conditions for the development of seedlings and segetal vegetation are created, the effectiveness of early spring feeding of winter wheat with nitrogen fertilizers decreases, since most of them are used by weeds, due to which they become more resistant to herbicides. Research has established that the use of herbicides in the fall helps to increase the yield of wheat by 30 % compared to the early spring application, which indicates the perspective of the application of drugs in the fall. The use of herbicides to protect winter wheat crops from weeds in different periods affected the number of productive stalks, so in the experimental variants their number increased by 22 pieces/m2 compared to the control, which determined the increase in productivity and yield increase, so in the variants with the use of Prima Forte resulted in an increase in yield of 9.1 t/ha, while the option with a mixture of herbicides Logran 75 WG+Pik – 8.6 t/ha. Greater effectiveness of chemical protection is noted for the autumn application of herbicides, however, we recommend combining the protection system, since the weather conditions of the research years can contribute to the effectiveness of spring herbicide protection. We recommend taking into account the agro-climatic conditions of the year when growing crops in order to adjust the protection system against segetal and ruderal vegetation
Weeding, winter wheat, herbicides, productivity, segetal weeds, ruderal weeds
Laslo O., Onipko V., Hordieieva О. System of protection of winter wheat sowing from segetal and ruderal vegetation. Modern Engineering and Innovative Technologies. 2024. Iss. 31, pt. 2. P. 120–125. DOI: