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Publication Вплив мінеральних добрив на показники врожаю льону олійного(2024) Шакалій, Світлана Миколаївна; Четверик, Оксана Олександрівна; Баган, Алла Василівна; Криволап, Є. О.На чорноземних ґрунтах визначено оптимальний термін та спосіб внесення мінеральних добрив під льон олійний на тлі різного ступеня забезпеченості ґрунту рухомим фосфором; встановлена оптимальна доза добрив для застосування під льон; рекомендовано мікробіологічний препарат для допосівної інокуляції насіння та його використання спільно з мінеральними добривами для підвищення врожайності та олійності льону; проведено економічну оцінку застосування агрохімікатів при вирощуванні льону. Рекомендовано для господарства кращий варіант мінерального живлення та мікробіологічного препарата для отримання більшої врожайності льону олійного. При обробітку льону олійного на чорноземі звичайному з дуже низькою безпечністю грунту рухомим фосфором і високою обмінним калієм по Мачигіну для досягнення врожайності олійного насіння 1,96 т/га азотно-фосфорні добрива доцільно застосовувати при посіві в дозі N30P30.Publication Formation of grain yield in corn hybrids of different FAO groups depending on sowing dates and plant density(2024) Shakalii, S. M.; Bahan, A. V.; Yurchenko, S. O.; Marenych, M. M.; Liashenko, V. V.; Chetveryk, O. O.; Shokalo, N. S.; Zubenko, V. V.; Шакалій, Світлана Миколаївна; Баган, Алла Василівна; Юрченко, Світлана Олександрівна; Маренич, Микола Миколайович; Ляшенко, Віктор Васильович; Четверик, Оксана Олександрівна; Шокало, Наталія Сергіївна; Зубенко, В. В.Formation of productivity of any agricultural crop depends on many factors. First of all, the soil and climatic conditions of the crop growing area, varietal or hybrid composition, seed quality, sowing dates and plant density, and strict adherence to all methods of cultivation technology are important. Corn hybrids of different maturity groups differ in morphological and biological properties. Thus, obtaining the potential yield of an individual genotype is possible under favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, including high-variety agricultural machinery and natural conditions. The maximum yield of high-quality corn grain is formed under the condition of the optimal ratio of all structural elements: weight of 1,000 grains, number of rows of grains in an ear, number of grains in a row, number of grains on one ear, length and diameter of an ear. If one structural element is insufficiently developed, the yield can be compensated by other components. Since individual elements of the structure are formed at different stages of organogenesis, different conditions are necessary for their successful development. The hybrids used in our research revealed peculiarities in the formation of elements of the crop structure, depending on the timing of sowing and stand density. The sizes of the cobs that formed on the corn plants varied little under the influence of sowing dates and plant stand density, but were characteristic of a certain biotype. Studies have shown that all factors of the experiment affect the growth, development of plants and the formation of elements of the structure of the corn grain crop. According to the results of the measurements, it was established that the best indicators of all structural elements were observed for sowing hybrids of different maturity groups in the optimal period - the third decade of April. The highest values of all indicators were observed in the Olkani hybrid, which is explained by the genotypic features of this hybrid.Publication Assessment of landfills and their impact on the soil: a local study in Ukraine(2024) Pysarenko, P. V.; Samoilik, M. S.; Pysarenko, V. M.; Mostoviak, I.; Taranenko, A. O.; Taranenko, S. V.; Dychenko, O. Yu.; Lastovka, V.; Husinsky, D.; Писаренко, Павло Вікторович; Самойлік, Марина Сергіївна; Писаренко, Віктор Микитович; Мостов'як, І. І.; Тараненко, Анна Олексіївна; Тараненко, Сергій Володимирович; Диченко, Оксана Юріївна; Ластовка, В.; Гусинський, Д.Landfills are widely utilised for waste disposal due to their economic advantages and ease of implementation compared to alternative methods. However, landfills exert significant environmental and health impacts on adjacent agricultural land. Accumulation of heavy metals in soil is a risk to ecological and food safety. Methodological approaches to assess and mitigate the impact of landfills on agricultural land are essential for ensuring sustainable land use practices and safeguarding human health. In this study, landfills were assessed at the local level, and the hazard level was classified according to it. A set of priority measures for restoring technogenic disturbed areas and minimising their impact on agricultural land was determined. The need to select a set of innovative, ecologically oriented methods for remediation of landfills, depending on the type and degree of soil contamination, was identified in context of ensuring environmental and food security.Publication The effect of humic growth stimulants on the productivity of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties(2024) Bahan, A. V.; Shakalii, S. M.; Yurchenko, S. O.; Marenych, M. M.; Mykhailenko, H. H.; Баган, Алла Василівна; Шакалій, Світлана Миколаївна; Юрченко, Світлана Олександрівна; Маренич, Микола Миколайович; Михайленко, Галина ГригорівнаIn organic farming, the use of plant growth biostimulants in crop cultivation technologies, including chickpea, has become widespread. The purpose of this study: to investigate the manifestation of productivity elements and the yield of chickpea varieties depending on the treatment with an organic growth stimulator. The study employed the following methods: field – to determine the level of yield, laboratory – to investigate the elements of productivity of chickpea, and statistical – to assess the reliability of experimental studies. By treatment options, the complex application of the product during pre-sowing seed treatment and foliar feeding of plants during the growing season was distinguished. The effect of organic growth stimulant on the increase of productivity elements of chickpea in this variant of the experiment was noted by an average of 10.0%. The greatest effect of the preparation was found in the complex treatment of seeds and plants of common chickpea in terms of seed weight per plant (24.0%). They were identified by the influence of varietal properties on the productivity elements of common chickpea varieties Triumf and Pamiat. The Pamiat variety with the seed treatment + foliar dressing variant was the best in terms of chickpea yield, but the Triumf variety had the greatest effect of the growth stimulator on the yield increase. Close correlations were found between seed weight per plant and thousand-kernel weight, number of beans per plant and number of seeds per plant, and yield with plant productivity and thousand-kernel weight. The findings of the study are recommended to be used to adjust the elements of chickpea cultivation technology to increase productivity in production conditions.Publication Application of SSR markers for assessment of genetic similarity and genotype identification in local winter wheat breeding program(2024) Batashova, M. Ye.; Kryvoruchko, L. M.; Makaova-Melamud, B.; Tyshchenko, V. M.; Spanoghe, M.; Криворучко, Людмила Михайлівна; Тищенко, Володимир МиколайовичSimple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are widely used for genetic analysis in plant breeding, allowing for the investigation of genetic divergence and similarity of genotypes, identification of unique alleles and determination of levels of genetic diversity.Publication Gamma-aminobutyric acid modulates antioxidant and osmoprotective systems in seedlings of triticum aestivum cultivars differing in drought tolerance.(2023) Kolupaev, Yu. E.; Shakhov, I. V.; Kokorev, A. I.; Kryvoruchko, L. M.; Yastreb, T. O.; Криворучко, Людмила МихайлівнаThe stress-protective effects of plant neurotransmitters, including gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) have been intensively examined in recent years. However, studies on the GABA influence on stress protective systems in bread wheat cultivars with different drought adaptation strategies are still lacking. The aim of this work was to estimate the GABA effect on the state of antioxidant and osmoprotective systems in etiolated seedlings of two wheat cultivars differing significantly in drought tolerance, namely Doskonala (non-drought-resistant) and Tobak (drought-resistant) under model drought induced by PEG 6000. Two-day-old seedlings were transferred to 15% PEG 6000 and incubated for two days in the absence or presence of GABA. Treatment with 0.1 and 0.5 mM GABA significantly reduced the growth-inhibitory effect of PEG 6000 on the roots and shoots of both cultivars, but to a greater extent on those of non-resistant Doskonala. It was shown that GABA treatment reduced drought induced accumulation of H2O2 and MDA, stabilized SOD and GPX activity, the level of sugars, anthocyanins and flavonoids in seedlings of both cultivars. Meanwhile GABA treatment enhanced the stress-induced increase in proline content in the Doskonala cultivar, but decreased it in the Tobak, completely prevented stress induced decrease in anthocyanins and flavonoids level in the Tobak and only partially in Doskonala cultivar. Thus, the stabilization of the stress-protective systems functioning in the wheat cultivars and variety-dependent differences in response to GABA were revealed.Item Impact of organic cultivation technology of fiber hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.) on soil agrochemical and bioecological properties(2023) Pylypchenko, A. V.; Marenych, M. M.; Hanhur, V. V.; Semenov, A. O.; Korotkova, I. V.; Rozhkov, A. O.; Karpuk, L. M.; Laslo, O. O.; Marinich, L. H.; Ponomarenko, S.; Пилипченко, Андрій Васильович; Маренич, Микола Миколайович; Гангур, Володимир Васильович; Семенов, Анатолій Олексійович; Короткова, Ірина Валентинівна; Рожков, А. О.; Ласло, Оксана Олександрівна; Марініч, Любов ГригорівнаResearch into the correlations among components of soil biota is of significant importance for effective management of agroecosystems in organic agricultural production. Organic cultivation technologies contribute to increased nitrogen and phosphorus content in the soil, while reducing levels of P2O5 and K2O compared to inorganic methods. The influence of organic residue decomposers on macroelement composition in the soil has been examined, revealing a minimal impact on their levels. Organic technologies promote an augmentation of microorganisms, although there is a potential risk of heightened disease pathogens. It has been observed that under organic cultivation conditions, there is more intense tissue degradation, potentially attributed to higher microorganism activity. Transitional cultivation methods yield lower rates of degradation in comparison to organic techniques. The impact of organic technologies on the quantity of earthworms, nematodes, and springtails in the soil has been investigated. Organic practices have shown to increase their population, creating a favorable environment for soil biological indicators. Particular attention is given to correlation relationships between microorganisms responsible for nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation and the fungal component. High correlation values (r = 0.72–0.89) underscore the significance of comprehending these associations when employing organic cultivation methods. The study of correlations among soil biota components in organic production presents a promising task for the effective utilization of resources and the assurance of sustainable agroecosystem development.Item Formation of the quality indicators of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seeds sown under organic growing technology(2023) Pylypchenko, A. V.; Marenych, M. M.; Hanhur, V. V.; Semenov, A. O.; Sakhno, T. V.; Ponomarenko, S.; Karpuk, L. M.; Rozhkov, A. O.; Пилипченко, Андрій Васильович; Маренич, Микола Миколайович; Гангур, Володимир Васильович; Семенов, Анатолій Олексійович; Сахно, Тамара Вікторівна; Рожков, А. О.The oil content of hemp seeds is controlled by the genotype and in the conducted studies did not depend on the growing technology; however, this factor had a synergistic effect with others. The protein content of hemp seeds during the years of research did not depend on weather conditions. Like other quality indicators, it had a slight variation, which indicates the significant role of the genetic characteristics of the varieties. On average, over the years of research, the protein content of the variants grown according to conventional technology was 25.2%, and according to transitional technology, it was 0.03% higher, which was within the limits of statistical error. The organic technology ensured the protein content at the level of 25.3%, and the use of the BioStymix-Niva microbial biodegrader - biodestructor contributed to the further growth of the indicator to 25.4%. The oil content of hemp seeds is not limited by other important characteristics, such as the yield of the hemp stems or the fiber content. Only the Glyana variety showed inverse correlations with plant height, hemp stems and seed productivity, they were of medium strength (r = -0.60 – -0.43). In the Zolotoniski 15 variety, only one inverse relationship was recorded, i.e. plant height (r = -0.57). No correlation was established between protein content and oil content in seeds. Correlations may change depending on other factors of cultivation, including weather conditions, elements of technology, etc., but the evaluation of varieties for cultivation according to these characteristics can significantly increase the efficiency of the production of cannabis products.Item Особенность формирования признака “толщина соломины второго междоузлия” и его значение в технологии селекционного процесса озимой пшеницы(2021) Тищенко, Володимир Миколайович; Дінець, Ольга МиколаївнаВ статье приведены данные о особенностях формирования ряда признаков: 1) «толщина соломины второго междоузлия» (ТС‑2М), мм; 2) «количество зерен в колосе» (КЗ), шт; 3) «масса зерна колоса» (М1), г; 4) «масса колоса с зерном» (М3) г; у озимой мягкой пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.). Анализ экспериментальных данных показывает важность использования признака «толщина соломины второго междоузлия» (ТС‑2М) у сортов и селекционных линий озимой пшеницы при отборах на продуктивность, особенно на ранних этапах селекцииItem Weed Control and Winter Wheat Crop Yield With the Application of Herbicides, Nitrogen Fertilizers, and Their Mixtures With Humic Growth Regulators(2021) Korotkova, I. V.; Marenych, M. M.; Hanhur, V. V.; Laslo, O. O.; Chetveryk, O. O.; Liashenko, V. V.; Короткова, Ірина Валентинівна; Маренич, Микола Миколайович; Гангур, Володимир Васильович; Ласло, Оксана Олександрівна; Четверик, Оксана Олександрівна; Ляшенко, Віктор ВасильовичThe aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of the application of mixtures containing various combinations of humic substances, with herbicides and nitrogen fertilizers, in weed control and optimizing the plant nutrition system. We also aimed to evaluate the infuence of these substances on winter wheat productivity. Five Ukrainian winter wheat cultivars (‘Kryzhynka,’ ‘Smuhlyanka,’ ‘Slavna,’ ‘Kubus,’ and ‘Mulan’) were sown in a randomized complete block design, with three replications, in the years 2014 2019. The analysis of the effect of the compositions containing herbicides, with various physiologically active substances, in a mixture with humic preparations (Humifeld, 4R Foliar concentrate) was performed by counting weeds per square meter in each experimental plot. e best performance in weed control, including perennial species, was obtained from using a mixture of Grodil Maxi herbicide with the humic preparation, Humifeld. THe crop treatment of this mixture resulted in a 23.6% reduction in weeds, compared to the treatment with the Grodil Maxi herbicide only. At the same time, the complex application of a number of herbicides in a mixture with the humic preparation, 4R Foliar concentrate led to the opposite effect. Various applications of mixtures of humates (4R Foliar concentrate, 5R SoilBoost) with nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate; carbamide-ammonium mixture) to optimize the winter wheat nutritional system and yield increases have been studied. e highest yield increase of 20%–22% was harvested in the plots treated with 5R SoilBoost and 4R Foliar concentrate plus ammonium nitrate. In addition, the efficacy of wheat crop foliar feeding with mixtures of humates, plus a carbamide-ammonia mixture, in different phases of vegetation has been established. A yield increase of 10.0%–21.4% resulting from the use of such compositions was obtained.Item Soil substances possessing agglutinating capacity(1989-06) Поспєлов, Сергій Вікторович; Муха, Володимир ДмитровичInteraction of soil and plants is known to be of specific character. However, the nature of this phenomenon hasn`t been determined up till now. In this connection extraction of soil was conducted by conventional methods used for extraction of lectins from plant material and its further estimation by the method applied in immunologic practice.Item Лектины представителей рода эхинацея (Echinacea Moench.). 3. Особенности активности в онтогенезе Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt.(2013) Поспєлов, Сергій ВікторовичВпервые изучена активность лектинов эхинацеи бледной (Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt) в онтогенезе. Установлено, что у растений прегенеративного периода онтогенеза активность фитолектинов в надземной и подземной частях наиболее высокая во второй половине вегетации: в листьях она была в два раза выше, чем в корневищах с корнями. В растениях генеративного периода онтогенеза агглютинирующая активность экстрактов была наивысшей во время цветения. Надземная масса рассматривается как важный сырьевой источник лектинов.Item Лектины представителей рода эхинацея (Echinacea Moench.). 1. Методические аспекты оценки активности// Химия растительного сырья(2012) Поспєлов, Сергій ВікторовичItem Productivity of grain-beet rotations depending on tillage and fertilization in the Forest-steppe of Ukraine(2020) Чайка, Тетяна Олександрівна; Левченко, Лариса Миколаївна; Крикунова, Валентина Юхимівна; Перепелиця, Аліна Анатоліївна; Шандиба, Валентина Олегівна; Попова, Катерина Миколаївна; Антоновський, Олександр ВолодимировичItem Model of creation of productive agrocenosis of Echinacea(2020-11) Поспєлов, Сергій Вікторович; Здор, Вячеслав Миколайович; Міщенко, Олег Вікторович; Поспєлова, Ганна Дмитрівна; Коваленко, Нінель ПавлівнаItem Adaptive Effect of Echinacea Extracts(2020-12) Поспєлов, Сергій Вікторович; Поспєлова, Ганна Дмитрівна; Здор, Вячеслав МиколайовичItem Switchgrass and lupin as phytoremediation crops of contaminated soil(2020) Kulyk, M. I.; Galytska, M. A. ; Plaksiienko, I. L.; Kocherga, A.; Mishchenko, O. V. ; Кулик, Максим Іванович; Галицька, Марина Анатоліївна; Плаксієнко, Ірина Леонідівна; Міщенко, Олег ВікторовичItem Efficiency of pre-sowing treatment of echinacea pale seeds on morphometric indicators of second year of vegetation plants.(2020-10) Григоришин, Єгор Володимирович; Поспєлов, Сергій Вікторович; Гордєєва, Олена ФедорівнаItem Биологическая активность экстрактов эхинацеи пурпурной (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench.).(2020-07) Здор, Вячеслав Миколайович; Поспєлов, Сергій ВікторовичItem Мікробний біом різних ґрунтів і ґрунтово-кліматичних зон Полтавської області(2014) Патика, Володимир Пилипович; Тараненко, Сергій Володимирович; Тараненко, Анна Олексіївна; Калініченко, Антоніна Володимирівна