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    In vitro tests of effect of disinfectants on the viability of Heterakis gallinarum nematode eggs during embryogenesis
    (2024) Євстаф’єва, Валентина Олександрівна; Yevstafieva, V. O.; Омельченко, О. В.; Omelchenko O. V.; Мельничук, Віталій Васильович; Melnychuk, V. V.; Дмитренко, Надія Іванівна; Dmytrenko, N. I.; Крикунова, Валентина Юхимівна; Krykunova, V. E.; Передера, Олена Олександрівна; Peredera, O. O.; Тагільцева, Яніна Михайлівна; Tahiltseva, Y. М.
    Affecting the transmission of an infection, objects of the external environment become contaminated with pathogens as a result of their massive release by the definitive host during exogenous stages of parasites’ development, which is an important chain of their epizootic process. Therefore, disinfestation plays an important role in the complex of measures for the prevention and control of poultry helminthiases, including Heterakis gallinarum infection of chickens. The purpose of the research was to investigate in laboratory conditions the ovicidal efficiency of modern disinfectants in relation to the viability of developing eggs of H. gallinarum isolated from infested chickens. "Hermecid-VS" (didecyldimethylammonium chloride, glutaraldehyde, benzalkonium chloride) and "Arquadez-plus" (dimethyldialkylammonium chloride, didecyldimethylammonium chloride, tetrasodium salt) disinfectants were tested. These preparations had a high level of ovicidal efficiency against the eggs of Heterakis, "Hermecid-VS" in 0.25% and 0.5% concentration for exposures of 10–60min (93.5–100.0%), "Arquadez-plus" in 1.0% concentration for exposure of 60 min (93.1%), and at 1.5% (96.8–100.0%) and 2.0% (100.0%) concentrations regardless of exposure. The ovicidal effect of disinfectants was characterized by morphological changes in the nematode eggs when using "Hermecid-VS" – accumulation of air bubbles under the shell, thinning and deformation of the shell, death and gradual resorption of the embryo, loosened egg shell and terminated embryonic development, deformation and thinning of egg the shell, and death of the embryo at the stage of formation of the larva; under the effect of "Arquadez-plus", a stop in development at the stage of cleaving blastomeres, destruction of the shell, death and evacuation of the embryo from the egg, shrinkage and gradual defragmentation of the embryo, death of the larva and its defragmentation. Under the action of disinfectants, the metric parameters of Heterakis eggs also changed. Under the influence of "Hermecid-VS" at all concentrations, the length of the eggs and the thickness of the shell were larger (by 2.9–5.4% and 26.7–46.7%), and their width was smaller (by 5.5–6.9%). With the effect of "Arquadez-plus", the length of the eggs was greater (by 0.4–2.0%), and the width was smaller (by 0.7–4.9%) only when using 0.1–2.0% concentrations of the agent. Heterakis egg shell thickness increased under the influence of "Arquadez-plus" in concentrations of 0.25–2.0% (by 33.3–40.0%). The conducted studies allow us to recommend "Hermecid-VS" and "Arquadez-plus" disinfectants in specified concentrations and modes of their use for maintaining epizootic well-being in the complex of measures against Heterakisinfection of chickesn
  • Publication
    (2023) Крикунова, Валентина Юхимівна
    Обов'язковою умовою соціальної та економічної стабільності держави. залишається продовольча безпека, що завжди посідає провідне місце у загальній національній безпеці кожної країни. Комбікормова промисловість є однією з основ забезпечення населення м'ясною продукцією. Виробництво збалансованих комбікормів у теперішніх реаліях в умовах перебоїв або обмеженого енергопостачання є справжнім викликом. Збільшення кормовиробництва залежить від забезпечення тваринництва та птахівництва якісними кормосумішами шляхом введення преміксів – екологічно безпечних біологічно активних добавок, що позитивно впливають на обмін речовин, попереджають розвиток гіповітамінозу, дозволяють збалансувати вміст основних поживних речовин у раціонах годівлі, стимулюють імунобіологічні системи організму
  • Item
    Emmer wheat productivity formation depending on pre- sowing seed treatment method in organic and traditional technology cultivation
    (2023) Korotkova, I. V.; Chaika, T. O.; Romashko, T. P.; Chetveryk, O. O.; Rybalchenko, A. M.; Barabolia, O. V.; Короткова, Ірина Валентинівна; Чайка, Тетяна Олександрівна; Ромашко, Таміла Петрівна; Четверик, Оксана Олександрівна; Рибальченко, Анна Михайлівна; Бараболя, Ольга Валеріївна
    Determination of chlorophyll and carotenoid content is an important way of obtaining information about the plant's photosynthetic activity as well as an indirect method of assessing the productivity of plant crops, particularly grain crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of chlorophyll and carotenoid in the productivity formation of emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum (Schrank.) Schuebl) grown under the traditional and organic farming systems and the different pre-sowing seed treatment methods. The base indicators of the photosynthetic apparatus (chlorophyll and carotenoid content, ratio of photosynthetic pigments) were evaluated in the emmer wheat plants as a function of the cultivation technology and pre-sowing seed treatment. The cultivation of the emmer wheat under organic technology was carried out in crop rotation: winter rye–mustard – T. dicoccum wheat. The pre-sowing seed treatment in the traditional technology of emmer wheat cultivation was carried out only by the UV-C irradiation. In the organic technology, both UV-C irradiation and treatment with humic preparation of natural origin “1r Seed Treatment” were used. The content of chlorophyll a (by 9.2%) and chlorophyll b (by 14.5%) increased in the emmer wheat plants under the organic technology cultivation compared to the traditional technology, but with the same method of seed treatment (UV-C irradiation). As a result, the yield increase was 21.0%. The application of the “1r Seed Treatment” humic preparation in the pre-sowing seed treatment led to the increase in yield by ~ 8.0% compared to the plots with UV-C irradiation seeds treatment under organic farming cultivation. An inverse correlation between the ratio of chlorophyll a/ chlorophyll b and the crop yield has been established. The evaluation of economic indicators of the emmer wheat cultivation in the rotation: winter rye-mustard-emmer wheat under organic farming technology, proved its high profitability. So, the photosynthetic pigments’ content and their ratio can be used as the indicators of the efficiency of the introduced elements of agrotechnologies and for predicting future yields.
  • Item
    Impact of organic cultivation technology of fiber hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.) on soil agrochemical and bioecological properties
    (2023) Pylypchenko, A. V.; Marenych, M. M.; Hanhur, V. V.; Semenov, A. O.; Korotkova, I. V.; Rozhkov, A. O.; Karpuk, L. M.; Laslo, O. O.; Marinich, L. H.; Ponomarenko, S.; Пилипченко, Андрій Васильович; Маренич, Микола Миколайович; Гангур, Володимир Васильович; Семенов, Анатолій Олексійович; Короткова, Ірина Валентинівна; Рожков, А. О.; Ласло, Оксана Олександрівна; Марініч, Любов Григорівна
    Research into the correlations among components of soil biota is of significant importance for effective management of agroecosystems in organic agricultural production. Organic cultivation technologies contribute to increased nitrogen and phosphorus content in the soil, while reducing levels of P2O5 and K2O compared to inorganic methods. The influence of organic residue decomposers on macroelement composition in the soil has been examined, revealing a minimal impact on their levels. Organic technologies promote an augmentation of microorganisms, although there is a potential risk of heightened disease pathogens. It has been observed that under organic cultivation conditions, there is more intense tissue degradation, potentially attributed to higher microorganism activity. Transitional cultivation methods yield lower rates of degradation in comparison to organic techniques. The impact of organic technologies on the quantity of earthworms, nematodes, and springtails in the soil has been investigated. Organic practices have shown to increase their population, creating a favorable environment for soil biological indicators. Particular attention is given to correlation relationships between microorganisms responsible for nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation and the fungal component. High correlation values (r = 0.72–0.89) underscore the significance of comprehending these associations when employing organic cultivation methods. The study of correlations among soil biota components in organic production presents a promising task for the effective utilization of resources and the assurance of sustainable agroecosystem development.
  • Item
    Formation of the quality indicators of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seeds sown under organic growing technology
    (2023) Pylypchenko, A. V.; Marenych, M. M.; Hanhur, V. V.; Semenov, A. O.; Sakhno, T. V.; Ponomarenko, S.; Karpuk, L. M.; Rozhkov, A. O.; Пилипченко, Андрій Васильович; Маренич, Микола Миколайович; Гангур, Володимир Васильович; Семенов, Анатолій Олексійович; Сахно, Тамара Вікторівна; Рожков, А. О.
    The oil content of hemp seeds is controlled by the genotype and in the conducted studies did not depend on the growing technology; however, this factor had a synergistic effect with others. The protein content of hemp seeds during the years of research did not depend on weather conditions. Like other quality indicators, it had a slight variation, which indicates the significant role of the genetic characteristics of the varieties. On average, over the years of research, the protein content of the variants grown according to conventional technology was 25.2%, and according to transitional technology, it was 0.03% higher, which was within the limits of statistical error. The organic technology ensured the protein content at the level of 25.3%, and the use of the BioStymix-Niva microbial biodegrader - biodestructor contributed to the further growth of the indicator to 25.4%. The oil content of hemp seeds is not limited by other important characteristics, such as the yield of the hemp stems or the fiber content. Only the Glyana variety showed inverse correlations with plant height, hemp stems and seed productivity, they were of medium strength (r = -0.60 – -0.43). In the Zolotoniski 15 variety, only one inverse relationship was recorded, i.e. plant height (r = -0.57). No correlation was established between protein content and oil content in seeds. Correlations may change depending on other factors of cultivation, including weather conditions, elements of technology, etc., but the evaluation of varieties for cultivation according to these characteristics can significantly increase the efficiency of the production of cannabis products.
  • Item
    Weed Control and Winter Wheat Crop Yield With the Application of Herbicides, Nitrogen Fertilizers, and Their Mixtures With Humic Growth Regulators
    (2021) Korotkova, I. V.; Marenych, M. M.; Hanhur, V. V.; Laslo, O. O.; Chetveryk, O. O.; Liashenko, V. V.; Короткова, Ірина Валентинівна; Маренич, Микола Миколайович; Гангур, Володимир Васильович; Ласло, Оксана Олександрівна; Четверик, Оксана Олександрівна; Ляшенко, Віктор Васильович
    The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of the application of mixtures containing various combinations of humic substances, with herbicides and nitrogen fertilizers, in weed control and optimizing the plant nutrition system. We also aimed to evaluate the infuence of these substances on winter wheat productivity. Five Ukrainian winter wheat cultivars (‘Kryzhynka,’ ‘Smuhlyanka,’ ‘Slavna,’ ‘Kubus,’ and ‘Mulan’) were sown in a randomized complete block design, with three replications, in the years 2014 2019. The analysis of the effect of the compositions containing herbicides, with various physiologically active substances, in a mixture with humic preparations (Humifeld, 4R Foliar concentrate) was performed by counting weeds per square meter in each experimental plot. e best performance in weed control, including perennial species, was obtained from using a mixture of Grodil Maxi herbicide with the humic preparation, Humifeld. THe crop treatment of this mixture resulted in a 23.6% reduction in weeds, compared to the treatment with the Grodil Maxi herbicide only. At the same time, the complex application of a number of herbicides in a mixture with the humic preparation, 4R Foliar concentrate led to the opposite effect. Various applications of mixtures of humates (4R Foliar concentrate, 5R SoilBoost) with nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate; carbamide-ammonium mixture) to optimize the winter wheat nutritional system and yield increases have been studied. e highest yield increase of 20%–22% was harvested in the plots treated with 5R SoilBoost and 4R Foliar concentrate plus ammonium nitrate. In addition, the efficacy of wheat crop foliar feeding with mixtures of humates, plus a carbamide-ammonia mixture, in different phases of vegetation has been established. A yield increase of 10.0%–21.4% resulting from the use of such compositions was obtained.