Vector and structural changes in the modern world
Pedchenko, N. S.
Shkurupii, O. V.
Deineka, T. A.
Verhal, K. Y.
Tul, S. I.
Шкурупій, Ольга Всеволодівна
Дейнека, Тетяна Анатоліївна
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The article examines the vector and structural changes in the modern world, caused by exogenous and endogenous factors and identified on the basis of determining the countries status taking into account the processes of changing their positions according to the group affiliation (hegemonic countries, applicant countries, «third world» countries, as well as other countries which gravitate to the world vanguard or rearguard ones). The proposed methodology of research into the countries global status is based on a comprehensive approach to the analysis of socio-natural systems, presented as a combination of economic, political, innovative, social and spiritual spheres, as well as the sphere of functioning of institutions and the sphere of human interaction with nature.
Pedchenko N., Shkurupii О., Deyneka T., Verhal K., Tul S. Vector and structural changes in the modern world. Financial And Crmoedit Activities: Problems Of Theory And Practice. 2020. № 3 (34). P. 441-450. URL:>
world economy, globalized society, vector changes, structural changes, polarization, asymmetry, global status of countries