The synthesis of plant growth stimulators by phytopathogenic bacteria as factor of pathogenicity

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Dankevych, L.
Leonova, N.
Dragovoz, I.
Patyka, V. P.
Kalinichenko, A. V.
Włodarczyk, P.
Włodarczyk, B.
Патика, Володимир Пилипович
Калініченко, Антоніна Володимирівна
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Applied Ecology and Environmental Research
The environmental changes significantly influence the microorganisms and affect their properties, leading them to take uncharacteristic ecological niches. This study has focused on the ability of phytopathogenic bacteria that belongs to the genera Pseudomonas, Curtobacterium, Ralstonia, Pantoea and Xanthomonas, which are able to cause various diseases of legumes, to produce extracellular phytohormones with stimulatory action in vitro. The qualitative and quantitative composition of extracellular auxins and cytokinins has been determined by spectrodensitometric thin-layer chromatography. This research revealed that the synthesis of plant growth promoting phytohormones that are agents of different plant bacterial disease, play an important role in their pathogenicity and ecological plasticity. In particular, it has been established that the level of auxins synthesis by the studied bacteria, which cause diseases of legumes, correlates directly with their pathogenic properties. Also, a clear connection between the pathways of interaction with plant and the amount and spectrum of synthesized auxins and cytokinins has been revealed.
phytohormones, pathogens spreading, phytopathogenic bacteria, auxin, bacterial infection, cytokinin