Rośliny naczyniowe jako bioindykatory stanu środowiska.

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Pytlik, E.
Kalinichenko, A. V.
Калініченко, Антоніна Володимирівна
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Wyd-wo Nauka i biznes
With help of the increasingly common and modern methods of bioindication, it is possible to make a precise and relatively efficient assessment of the state of the environment and the change that occures in the natural environment. Measurable way of natures monitoring is to invastigate the reactions of living organisms. The research is mainly carried out with the use of stenobionts- taxons with small tolerance for environmental variability. The group of plants and animals used in bioindications is called indicators. Bioindication is used in geology researches (to find places with the possibility of occurrence precious ore) and in the protection of the environment (to monitor its pollution). Based on the spatial layout of the selected species, it is possible to assess factors such as urbanization, anthropisation, atmospheric air pollution or the concentration of selected metals in rivers, as well as the favorable conditions for the development of macro-aquatic invertebrates. Researches have shown the use of macrophytes in the assessment of river pollution and the differences between the accumulation of heavy metals in monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants.
bioindication, indicator plants, contamination, environment quality, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry