Expanding special english vocabulary during business trips using mobile translators
Матвієнко, Леся Григорівна
Matviienko, L. G.
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Business travel is becoming more and more common in today's world, as companies are constantly expanding their markets and cooperating with partners from other countries. English language is necessary in a business trip is
important. This language is often the language of communication in the country in many countries of the world. With the development of technology and mobile applications, it has become possible to quickly and effectively learn English and
improve your skills during business trips. Learning English business vocabulary can help improve the effectiveness of communication with partners and clients, which increases the probability of successful cooperation and achieving the goal of a business trip
Matviienko L. Expanding special English vocabulary during business trips using mobile translators. The 5th International scientific and practical conference “Innovations and prospects in modern science” (May 8-10, 2023) SSPG Publish, Stockholm, Sweden. 2023. PP.392-396