The effects of seeding rate and row spacing on the photosynthetic activity of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)

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Mikheieva, O.
Klymenko, I.
Mikheiev, V.
Golovan, L.
Dychenko, O. Yu.
Stankevych, S.
Chechui, H.
Chupryn, Y.
Laslo, O. O.
Nahorna, S. V.
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With an advent of early-maturing soybean varieties that have weaker ability to branch, there is a need to study the increase in seeding rates with different combinations of row spacing, in order to determine the effects of narrowing the area of plant nutrition on photosynthetic plant activity. This is the purpose of our research. The multifactorial experiment was performed by splitting sites in four replications. The research has demonstrated that the Baika variety sown with a row spacing of 15 cm and a seeding rate of 1.2 million pcs./ha - 40.5 ths. m2/ha was close to the optimal leaf surface. The Annushka soybean plants were inferior to variety Baika in this regard, with the difference up to 6.0 ths. m2/ha, due to differences in the leaf structure of the soybean varieties. The weather conditions have been found to play the dominant role; namely, a strong direct correlation was found between the amount of precipitation and the photosynthetic productivity of plants. For the Annushka variety, it was in the range of r = 0.714… 0.843, and for the Baika variety, r = 0.899… 0.947. Thus, using different combinations of seed sowing rate and row spacing, it is possible to adjust the photosynthetic productivity of soybean plants and, as a result, to provide better conditions for their development and higher yields.
Soy bean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), leaf areas, seeding rate, sowing method, correlation
Mikheeva О., Klymenko I., Mikheev V., Golovan L., Dychenko O., Stankevych S., Chechui H., Laslo O., Chupryn Y., Nahorna S. The effects of seeding rate and row spacing on the photosynthetic activity of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Applied ecology and environmental research. 2021. Vol. 19 (5). P. 4169–4184. DOI: