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Item 10-річчю від дня заснування центру історії аграрної науки державної наукової сільськогосподарської бібліотеки НААН(2011) Писаренко, Віктор Микитович; Опара, Микола МиколайовичItem AB INITIO STUDY OF SPECTRAL PARAMETERS OF THE POLYMERIC PHOTOREFRACTIVE COMPOSITES(2020-02-05) Короткова, Ірина ВалентинівнаItem ACTIVITY OF LECTINS OF ST. JOHN’S WORT (HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L.) IN THE ONTOGENESIS(Винавництво ПНПУ ім. В.Г.Короленка, 2018-12) Семенко, Максим Васильович; Поспєлов, Сергій Вікторович; Оніпко, Валентина Володимирівна; Onipko, V. V.; Pospielov, S. V.У статті представлено результати досліджень гемаглютинуючої активності лектинів звіробою звичай- ного (Hypericum perforatum L.) в онтогенезі. Встановлено, що їх максимальна активність визначалась у період бутонізації та квітування. Високою активністю характеризувалися лектини листків протягом усього вегетаційного періоду (11,8 – 19,7 балів). У стеблах рівень аглютинінів зростав від періоду пагоноутворення (5,5 балів) до квітування (16,3 бали). В генеративних органах активність лектинів була максимальною (19,7– 23,3 бали). Зроблено висновок, що надземна частина, зібрана у період повного квітування, є джерелом аглютинінів високої біологічної активності.Item Adaptive Effect of Echinacea Extracts(2020-12) Поспєлов, Сергій Вікторович; Поспєлова, Ганна Дмитрівна; Здор, Вячеслав МиколайовичItem Aggregation-Induced Emission In Organic Nanoparticles: Properties And Applications: A Review(2018-06) Гранчак, В.М.; Сахно, Тамара Вікторівна; Короткова, Ірина Валентинівна; Сахно, Ю.; Кучмій, Степан ЯрославовичItem AGRO-TECHNICAL MEASURES FOR RATIONAL USE OF MOISTURE(2022) Писаренко, Віктор Микитович; Писаренко, Павло Вікторович; Піщаленко, Марина Анатоліївна; Мельничук, Віталій Васильович ; Євстаф’єва, Валентина ОлександрівнаItem AIE Based Coumarin Chromophores. Theoretical Study(2017-09-02) Короткова, Ірина Валентинівна; Сахно, Тамара Вікторівна; Гранчак, В.М.; Сахно, Ю.Э.Item Algae in urban water bodies – control of growth and use as a biomass(E3S Web of Conferences 45, 00028 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184500028 INFRAEKO 2018, 2018) Kalinichenko, A. V.; Pysarenko, P. V.; Kulyk, M. I. ; Калініченко, Антоніна Володимирівна; Писаренко, Павло Вікторович; Кулик, Максим ІвановичAbstract. Enhancing the ecology security of Ukraine and other develop-ing countries is predetermined by the environmental problems of cities. It prompts studies on the contamination of city’s and adjacent water bodies. The control of blue-green algae distribution and the use of its biomass for production of the biofuels, energy, oils, medicine, etc. is one of the con-tributing factors to the well-balanced development of infrastructure of cit-ies. The intensity of the processes of eutrophication and the species com-position of the algae, which cause algal blooming, was investigated based on data of the Vorskla River in Poltava city (Ukraine). Relevant methods, statistical data of Ukrainian Environmental Service, personal observations, laboratory analysis and analytical studies were applied for the study. The comparative estimation of influence of separate biogenic and chemical substances on eutrophication processes was carried out. The approaches for prevention of processes of water bloom have been presented. The mecha-nism of using the species composition of algae as an indicator of the state of eutrophication processes was studied.Item Analysis of the state of dendroflora of park zones in Poltava concerning its its lesion by mistletoe (Viscum album L.)(2023) Pysarenko, V. M.; Pishchalenko, M. A.; Barabolia, O. V.; Krasota, O. G.; Писаренко, Віктор Микитович; Піщаленко, Марина Анатоліївна; Бараболя, Ольга Валеріївна; Красота, Олена ГригорівнаMistletoe (Viscum album L.) white is the only plant on the Earth that has a unique substance that paralyses cancer cells and simultaneously stimulates human immunity. However, despite its curative properties, mistletoe white has so far caused considerable damage to tree plantations in human settlements, acting not only as a parasitic plant, but also as a spreader of various diseases of woody plants. Mistletoe, being an inseparable component of tree plantations, both natural and urbanized ecosystems, settling on trees. Then it begins to destroy them intensively. This is why the question of protection of trees from mistletoe white is relevant at present. The purpose of the article is research the state of tree species in park zones of Poltava concerning their damage by white mistletoe (Viscum album L.). The article presents the results of the analysis of the state of the main tree species of the park zones of Poltava city of concerning their lesion by white mistletoe during 2017‒2022. According to the results of the study identified tree species, which due to their species biologo-physiological features are affected more and vice versa show greater resistance to damage by mistletoe white (Viscum album L.). Recommendations for improving the species composition of tree species in park areas of Poltava, taking into account their resistance to mistletoe white damage, have been formulated. For the first time, we studied the degree of damage to deciduous trees in the park areas of Poltava, and set the degree of damage to trees affected by white mistletoe depending on their species biology and physiology, particularly, the structure and thickness of the bark. The influence of species-specific biologic and physiological features of tree species in the park areas of Poltava on the degree of their lesion by mistletoe white has been established. The most resistant woods have been determined, which can be recommended for renewal of the species composition of the dendroflora of the park zones of the urban ecosystem.Publication Application of SSR markers for assessment of genetic similarity and genotype identification in local winter wheat breeding program(2024) Batashova, M. Ye.; Kryvoruchko, L. M.; Makaova-Melamud, B.; Tyshchenko, V. M.; Spanoghe, M.; Криворучко, Людмила Михайлівна; Тищенко, Володимир МиколайовичSimple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are widely used for genetic analysis in plant breeding, allowing for the investigation of genetic divergence and similarity of genotypes, identification of unique alleles and determination of levels of genetic diversity.Publication Application of SSR-markers in local Ukrainian winter wheat breeding program(2023-11) Batashova, M.; Makaova-Melamud, B.; Kryvoruchko, L. M.; Hrachov, M.; Tyshchenko, V. M.; Dubents, M.; Макаова-Меламуд, Б. Є.; Криворучко, Людмила Михайлівна; Тищенко, Володимир Миколайович; Дубенець, Микола ВасильовичThe simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers are widely used for genetic analysis in plant breeding enabling investigation of the genetic divergence and similarity, identification of the unique alleles and determination of the genetic diversity level.Publication Assessment of landfills and their impact on the soil: a local study in Ukraine(2024) Pysarenko, P. V.; Samoilik, M. S.; Pysarenko, V. M.; Mostoviak, I.; Taranenko, A. O.; Taranenko, S. V.; Dychenko, O. Yu.; Lastovka, V.; Husinsky, D.; Писаренко, Павло Вікторович; Самойлік, Марина Сергіївна; Писаренко, Віктор Микитович; Мостов'як, І. І.; Тараненко, Анна Олексіївна; Тараненко, Сергій Володимирович; Диченко, Оксана Юріївна; Ластовка, В.; Гусинський, Д.Landfills are widely utilised for waste disposal due to their economic advantages and ease of implementation compared to alternative methods. However, landfills exert significant environmental and health impacts on adjacent agricultural land. Accumulation of heavy metals in soil is a risk to ecological and food safety. Methodological approaches to assess and mitigate the impact of landfills on agricultural land are essential for ensuring sustainable land use practices and safeguarding human health. In this study, landfills were assessed at the local level, and the hazard level was classified according to it. A set of priority measures for restoring technogenic disturbed areas and minimising their impact on agricultural land was determined. The need to select a set of innovative, ecologically oriented methods for remediation of landfills, depending on the type and degree of soil contamination, was identified in context of ensuring environmental and food security.Item Biocontrol of Mycoflora of Winter Wheat Seeds(2020-06) Поспєлов, Сергій Вікторович; Поспєлова, Ганна Дмитрівна; Коваленко, Нінель Павлівна; Шерстюк, Олена Леонідівна; Здор, Вячеслав МиколайовичItem BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF COUMARINE AND ITS DERIVATIVES(2020-03-25) Короткова, Ірина ВалентинівнаItem BIOMATERIALS, ROLE OF THEIR SURFACES AND OF HYDROXYAPATITE IN THE MAKING OF IMPLANTS(2016-04-28) Короткова, Ірина Валентинівна; Сахно, Ю.Э.Item Changing in phytosanitary state in winter wheat fields under climate change in left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine(2022-05-25) Макаова, Б.; Поспєлова, Ганна Дмитрівна; Тищенко, Володимир МиколайовичNumerous studies have demonstrated the negative impact of climate change in many parts of the world, especially arid regions, on the potential yields of winter wheat and food security in the world. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the average annual temperature on Earth has increased by 0.74 degrees over the last 100 years (from 1906 to 2005).Item COLORED MAGNETIC BACTERIA AND THEIR USE FOR ANIMAL FEED APPLICATION(2018-05-18) Короткова, Ірина Валентинівна; Сахно, Тамара Вікторівна; Барашков, М. М.; Иргибаева, И. С.; Барашкова, И. В.; Мантель, А.; Алдонгаров, А.Item COMPUTATION OF UV SPECTRA OF HETEROAROMATIC ORGANIC STRUCTURES IN SOLUTIONS(2015-04-23) Короткова, Ірина ВалентинівнаItem Conceptual framework for ensuring resource and environmental safety in the region(2019) Pysarenko, P. V.; Samoilik, M. S. ; Plaksiienko, I. L.; Kolesnikova, L. A.; Писаренко, Павло Вікторович; Самойлік, Марина Сергіївна; Плаксієнко, Ірина Леонідівна; Колєснікова, Лариса АнатоліївнаItem Conformational Mobility of 4,4′-Bisdimethyl-Aminobenzophenone in the Excited State.(Springer, 2005) Ромашко, Таміла ПетрівнаQuantum-chemical calculations on various conformational states of the molecule of Michler’s ketone have been carried out by semi-empirical and non-empirical methods (HyperChem 7.0 suite of programs and Gaussian 98). The influence of solvation on the relative levels of different orbital types and on the spin states of the molecule has been examined. The possibility of the TICT process occurring in polar media, which may have an important effect on the spectral characteristics of Michler’s ketone, has been investigated.