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Item Agronomic Meetings as a Means of Modernization of Agriculture in Ukraine in the Early Twentieth Century (as Exemplified in Poltava Region)(2020) Aranchiy, V. I.; Аранчій, Валентина Іванівна; Yakymenko, Mykola; Sharavara, T. O. ; Шаравара, Тамара ОлексіївнаThe aim of the research is to determine the reasons, form, content and consequences of such a social phenomenon as agronomic meetings (the practice of which was quite common in the southwestern regions of the Russian Empire in the early 20th century, in particular in Poltava region) for the socio-economic development of the country. The research methodology is based on the principles of scientificity, historicism, authors’ objectivity, regionalism, as well as the use of general scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction and specific historical ones, namely, historicalgenetic, historical-comparative and historical-systemic methods. The scientific novelty of the research is characterized by the fact that on the basis of the analysis of little-known historical sources, the authors for the first time in national historiography have analyzed the publications of Poltava provincial zemstvo, as well as publications of local agricultural societies, including magazines "Khutorianyn" and "Bulletin of South Russian Animal Husbandry" in terms of the content and consequences of agronomic meetings set up by local public activists aimed at the modernization of agricultural production, which was particularly topical during the implementation of Stolypin’s agrarian reform. The importance of the mentioned meetings was: to involve a wide range of people relating to the agrarian sector in the discussion, among them were not only practitioners, but also well-known theorists from university professors; to disseminate the ideas formulated during the relevant meetings in media, in the process of consultations provided by local agronomists, lectures and conversations with the illiterate population. Along with the analysis of the content of agronomic meetings, the authors paid attention to their socioeconomic reasons and consequences, which, above all, enables to understand this process in a holistic way, taking into account all the circumstances that directly or indirectly affected the meetings held by the local agricultural society and Poltava provincial zemstvo. Conclusions. As a result of the research, it was concluded that such a method of the modernization of crop production and animal husbandry as agronomic meetings with participation of not only public figures from among local agricultural societies and zemstvo figures, but also representatives of central authorities of Poltava provincItem Analysis of compound adjectives in the context of the microsystem “person’s character”.(2019-10) Nikolaienko Y. О.; Тагільцева, Яніна Михайлівна; Ніколаєнко, Юлія ОлександрівнаItem Application of the Learning Communities Approach to Teaching English for Specific Purposes(2019) Воскобойник, Валентина Іванівна; Сухачова, Наталія СергіївнаItem Business-incubators as an element of the social-economic system “Authority-Business-Community” in the context of economic security of Ukraine. Security management of the XXI century: national and geopolitical aspects. Issue 2: [collective monograph] / in edition I. Markina. Prague. Nemoros s.r.o. 2021. Czech Republic. P. 357-365.(2021) Pomaz, O. M.; Shulzchenko, I.; Pomaz, Y. V.; Помаз, Олександр МихайловичItem Case-інтерв’ю як метод відбору на посаду перекладача(2024) Манойло, О. О.Нині актуальною є тема застосування новітніх та нестандартних методів співбесіди для відбору спеціалістів на різні посади, зокрема й на посади перекладача або редактора перекладів. Одним із таких методів є case- або ситуаційне інтерв’ю, яке дає змогу краще оцінити практичні навички та здатність людини нестандартно мислити в різних ситуаціях. Застосування доцільного способу відбору претендентів на посаду перекладача є дуже важливим, адже саме від його професійних навичок безпосередньо залежить якість і достовірність перекладуItem COMMUNICATIVE STRATEGIES OF ENGLISH WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE LEARNING DISCOURSE(2022) Liulka, V. M.; Dedukhno, A. V.; Люлька, Вікторія МиколаївнаPublication Comparative Analysis of Online Translators in the Machine Translation System(2024) Матвієнко, Леся Григорівна; Matviienko, L. G.; Khomenko, L.; Denysovets, I.; Horodenska, K.; Nikolashyna, T.; Pavlova, I.The article presents a comparative analysis of various online translators in the machine translation system. The author of the study focused on finding out the effectiveness and accuracy of the translation, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the three most common online translators: Google Translate, DeepL and Microsoft Translator. The article begins with an overview of current trends in the field of machine translation and the need for online translations based on this context. The research methodology is selected in the article, in particular, the selection of individual online translators for comparison and the criteria for evaluating their work. The researcher analyzes the quality of translations for various types of texts, including common phrases, technical terms, complex sentences, etc. Attention is also paid to different language pairs and ensuring the availability of rarer languages in electronic translation. The article reveals such aspects as accuracy of translation, speed of work, recognition of context and idiomatic expressions, availability of additional functions and capabilities that ensure better translation quality. The author thoroughly highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each system, provides clear information about the use of integrations, available functions and additional capabilities of each translator. In the final part of the article, the author provides conclusions and recommendations regarding the use of online translators in the machine translation system. The research highlights that each electronic translator has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice depends on the specific needs of the user. In addition, the author emphasizes the need for constant updating and improvement of online translators to increase their accuracy and efficiency. This comparative analysis will help simplify the selection of the optimal translation software for users who require high-quality machine translation for their professional activities or everyday needsItem Current local government reforms in the EU as a “Road map” for Ukraine(2018) Vinogradchyi, V. I.; Nekriach, A. I; Некряч, Анастасія ІванівнаThe presented article introduces and discusses the peculiarities o f the administrative-territorial system forming processes and the current state and trends o f local self-government reforming in certain EU countries (Italy, France, Slovakia, Poland); advantages and risks o f decentralized governing are explored; tendencies o f strengthening administration levels under different schemes are revealed; key aspects o f practical experience o f territorial communities amalgamation are investigated; recommendations for adopting the European experience into domestic practice are statedItem Development of Students’ Research Activity During Studying at Higher Education Institutions.(2021-05) Ilchenko, A.; BESSARAB, ANASTASIIA; SADIVNYCHYI, VOLODYMYR; Ільченко, Алла МихайлівнаItem Didactic model of information and communication competence formation of future specialists of economic profile(2021) Nataliia Kononets, Victoria Baliuk, Valeriy Zhamar, Lesya Petrenko, Yuliia Pomaz, Nadiya Kravtsova, Olena ShkolaItem Difficulties in translating economic and financial terminology(2023) Matviienko, L. G.; Матвієнко, Леся Григорівна; Michalik, M.A distinctive feature of accounting terms is that they are created in the process of financial and economic activities of enterprises and the state, and are distributed among a narrow circle of specialists in a special fieldItem ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES IN TRANSLATION OF SPECIAL AGRICULTURAL TEXTS(2021-04-28) Matviienko, L. G.; Матвієнко, Леся ГригорівнаItem ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION MATERIALS IN THE INTERPRETATION OF LEARNING RESULTS IN PHILOLOGICAL DISCIPLINES(2021-11-10) Matviienko, L. G.; Goncharenko, Sofia; Матвієнко, Леся ГригорівнаItem Elements of Computer Lexicography in Agricultural Managers Ed(2021-12-20) Matviienko, L. G.; Krasota, O. G.; Красота, Олена Григорівна; Матвієнко, Леся ГригорівнаItem English for students of agriculture(2019) О.В. Сільчук, В.І. ВоскобойникItem Expanding special english vocabulary during business trips using mobile translators(2023) Матвієнко, Леся Григорівна; Matviienko, L. G.Business travel is becoming more and more common in today's world, as companies are constantly expanding their markets and cooperating with partners from other countries. English language is necessary in a business trip is important. This language is often the language of communication in the country in many countries of the world. With the development of technology and mobile applications, it has become possible to quickly and effectively learn English and improve your skills during business trips. Learning English business vocabulary can help improve the effectiveness of communication with partners and clients, which increases the probability of successful cooperation and achieving the goal of a business tripItem Features of improving intercultural communication in the context of diplomatic interaction(2023) Матвієнко, Леся Григорівна; Matviienko, L. G.; Hrekova, I.The transformations taking place in the modern political, economic and sociocultural sphere contribute to the growth of professional intercultural communication, the expansion of cooperation and professional contacts in international projects between representatives of different countries. All this requires professional competence from diplomats, which includes fluency in a foreign language and professional communicationItem GENRE SPECIFICS OF "THE ADVENTURE OF TOM SAWYER" BY MARK TWAIN(2022) Liulka, V. M.; Tarasova, N.; Люлька, Вікторія МиколаївнаItem Historical Interpretation of the Past: The Way of Mental Enslavement or Liberation?(2020) Mandryk-Melnychuk Mariia; Kotsur, A.; Шаравара, Тамара Олексіївна; Sharavara, T. O.Publication In vitro tests of effect of disinfectants on the viability of Heterakis gallinarum nematode eggs during embryogenesis(2024) Євстаф’єва, Валентина Олександрівна; Yevstafieva, V. O.; Омельченко, О. В.; Omelchenko O. V.; Мельничук, Віталій Васильович; Melnychuk, V. V.; Дмитренко, Надія Іванівна; Dmytrenko, N. I.; Крикунова, Валентина Юхимівна; Krykunova, V. E.; Передера, Олена Олександрівна; Peredera, O. O.; Тагільцева, Яніна Михайлівна; Tahiltseva, Y. М.Affecting the transmission of an infection, objects of the external environment become contaminated with pathogens as a result of their massive release by the definitive host during exogenous stages of parasites’ development, which is an important chain of their epizootic process. Therefore, disinfestation plays an important role in the complex of measures for the prevention and control of poultry helminthiases, including Heterakis gallinarum infection of chickens. The purpose of the research was to investigate in laboratory conditions the ovicidal efficiency of modern disinfectants in relation to the viability of developing eggs of H. gallinarum isolated from infested chickens. "Hermecid-VS" (didecyldimethylammonium chloride, glutaraldehyde, benzalkonium chloride) and "Arquadez-plus" (dimethyldialkylammonium chloride, didecyldimethylammonium chloride, tetrasodium salt) disinfectants were tested. These preparations had a high level of ovicidal efficiency against the eggs of Heterakis, "Hermecid-VS" in 0.25% and 0.5% concentration for exposures of 10–60min (93.5–100.0%), "Arquadez-plus" in 1.0% concentration for exposure of 60 min (93.1%), and at 1.5% (96.8–100.0%) and 2.0% (100.0%) concentrations regardless of exposure. The ovicidal effect of disinfectants was characterized by morphological changes in the nematode eggs when using "Hermecid-VS" – accumulation of air bubbles under the shell, thinning and deformation of the shell, death and gradual resorption of the embryo, loosened egg shell and terminated embryonic development, deformation and thinning of egg the shell, and death of the embryo at the stage of formation of the larva; under the effect of "Arquadez-plus", a stop in development at the stage of cleaving blastomeres, destruction of the shell, death and evacuation of the embryo from the egg, shrinkage and gradual defragmentation of the embryo, death of the larva and its defragmentation. Under the action of disinfectants, the metric parameters of Heterakis eggs also changed. Under the influence of "Hermecid-VS" at all concentrations, the length of the eggs and the thickness of the shell were larger (by 2.9–5.4% and 26.7–46.7%), and their width was smaller (by 5.5–6.9%). With the effect of "Arquadez-plus", the length of the eggs was greater (by 0.4–2.0%), and the width was smaller (by 0.7–4.9%) only when using 0.1–2.0% concentrations of the agent. Heterakis egg shell thickness increased under the influence of "Arquadez-plus" in concentrations of 0.25–2.0% (by 33.3–40.0%). The conducted studies allow us to recommend "Hermecid-VS" and "Arquadez-plus" disinfectants in specified concentrations and modes of their use for maintaining epizootic well-being in the complex of measures against Heterakisinfection of chickesn